April 11: [Post your reading responses in one of two threads in the “Contexts, Responses” section in the menu above and to your left.]
Fallman, Daniel (2007). “Persuade Into What? Why Human-Computer Interaction Needs a Philosophy of Technology.” In Lecture Notes in Computer Science.” 4744/2007, pp 295-306.
Sri Kurniawan—Human Computer Interaction: Users and Designers as Subjects
Allman, T., Dhillon, R., Landau, M., & Kurniawan, S. “Rock Vibe: Rock Band Computer Games for People with No or Limited Vision.” (SOE/DANM - UCSC 2010)
DANM alumnus Rupa Dhillon’s “Rock Vibe”: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rupa211/rock-vibe-accessible-gaming?ref=live
Holloway, Alexandra and Kurniawan, Sri. “System Design Evolution of The Prepared Partner: How a Labor and Childbirth Game Came to Term” (SOE/ UCSC - 2011)
GAME—”The Prepared Partner”
April 18:
John Dewey’s “Having an Experience,” (Ch. 3 of Art as Experience).
Carson, Ben. UNPULSER. (Freeware for rhythm composition.)
Connor, Steven. “Edison’s Teeth: Touching Hearing.” Hearing Cultures: Essays on Sound, Listening and Modernity. New York: Berg, 2004. 153-72. <http://www.stevenconnor.com/edsteeth/>.
Sobchack, Vivian. “A Leg To Stand On: Prosthetics, Metaphor, and Materiality.” In The Prosthetic Impulse: From A Posthuman Present To A Biocultural Future. Cambridge: MIT Press. 2006. 17-41.
[ Postponed: Excerpts from Haraway, Donna. “A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century” in Socialist Review, 80 (1985): 73. ]