Unit IV. Social Production

May 16: 

Dorrine Kondo on race in French and Japanese fashion.

Brandin Baron-NusbaumRethinking Baudelaire, Design, and Fashion

Graham Longford (2001). ”Sensitive Killers, Cruel Aesthetes, and Pitiless Poets: Foucault, Rorty, and the Ethics of Self-Fashioning.” Polity Vol. 33, No. 4 (Summer, 2001), pp. 569-592.


May 23: 


 Sobchack, Vivian. “A Leg To Stand On: Prosthetics, Metaphor, and Materiality.” In The Prosthetic Impulse: From A Posthuman Present To A Biocultural Future. Cambridge: MIT Press. 2006. 17-41.

Hal Foster, “The Return of the Real.” in The Return of the Real. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1996. 

Short prospecti excerpts by Jacob, Catalina, and Derek (top three in this thread).


My introduction to Deleuzian social production, and machines.

[SAVE FOR LATER: Deleuze [1969] on Alice and Wonderland (in the ”First Series of Paradoxes of Pure Becoming,” in The Logic of Sense. Trans. by Mark Lester and Charles Stivales. Ed. by Constantin V. Boundas. New York: Columbia University Press. [First Published as Logique du sens. Paris: Les Editions de Minuit, 1969.]) Optional web resources for the above: Plato’s Cratylus (For Deleuze, above). What’s in a name? This is actually worth a read, especially the first 25 “sections” or so (each about 1/4-page long); you can skim the repetitive parts. ]